'홀몸으로' 한국을 떠나긴 했지만 여행을 '혼자서' 한 것은 아니므로 결코 심심하지 않았다. 남미에 있었던 6개월 중 '혼자'라고 느꼈던 날이 10일은 되려나. 무리를 지어 함께 여행을 시작할 경우 '외롭지 않음'이 보장되기는 하지만 대개 그 여행은 혼자하는 여행보다 폐쇄적인 경향이 있다. 혼자하는 여행은 '가끔 외로울 수 있음'을 감수해야 하지만 본인의 성향에 따라 더 많은 사람을 사귀고 더 다양한 재미를 누릴 수 있는 가능성이 열려있다.
Whenever I told people that I traveled alone, they asked me, "Didn't you feel lonely?"
Although I left Korea all by myself, I didn't travel 'alone' so I almost never felt lonely. When you start traveling with other people, you are guaranteed that you won't feel lonely at all but that kind of travel tends to be more closed compared to when you start traveling alone. When you leave your country to travel alone, you have to take risks of 'sometimes feeling lonely' but you might end up getting to know more people and having more fun.
부에노스아이레스에서 보낸 6주 동안 나는 단 하루도 혼자가 아니었다. 앞서 등장한 탱고수업에서 만난 사람들 외에도 많은 사람들과 사귀었고, 덕분에 전혀 심심하지 않게 매일을 보냈다.
I was never alone for the six weeks that I spent in Buenos aires. Besides the people from the tango class, I got to know and hung out with a variety of people.
1. Alex(Spain)
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능수능란한 말솜씨로 사람들을 사로잡는 매력이 있다.
항상 나를 'Coreana(Korean girl 이란 의미)'라고 불러 아직도 내 이름을 제대로 발음하지 못하지만 여행 후에도 자주 연락하며 나에게 힘이 되어 주는 친오빠 같은 사람.
The very person who became one of my best friends. We became good friends after the trekking in Cusco, Peru in November and we met up again in the north of Argentina and traveled together for another three weeks till he went back to Spain, wrapping up his 10-month trip in South America. He is an amazing speaker, thus being surrounded by people all the time. He still cannot pronounce my name correctly since he always calls me 'Coreana', meaning Korean girl in Spanish. Yet, we still exchange emails quite often and now he is my brother on whom I can rely.
2. Margarita(Argentina), Raphaelle&Pierre(France)
Alex와 부에노스아이레스에 도착한 그 날, Couchsurfing 모임을 나갔다가 Margarita를 만났다. 예전에 수 년 동안 탱고를 췄었다는 그녀와 탱고를 계기로 친해지게 되었고 Alex와 나는 점심을 초대받았다. 거기에서 프랑스에서 온 커플 Raphaelle과 Pierre도 알게 되었다. 외양만큼이나 마음씨도 예쁜 Margarita와는 그 후로도 몇 차례 만났고, 아주 짧게 만난 사이임에도 그녀와 있을 때면 마음이 늘 편안했다.
항상 나를 'Coreana(Korean girl 이란 의미)'라고 불러 아직도 내 이름을 제대로 발음하지 못하지만 여행 후에도 자주 연락하며 나에게 힘이 되어 주는 친오빠 같은 사람.
The very person who became one of my best friends. We became good friends after the trekking in Cusco, Peru in November and we met up again in the north of Argentina and traveled together for another three weeks till he went back to Spain, wrapping up his 10-month trip in South America. He is an amazing speaker, thus being surrounded by people all the time. He still cannot pronounce my name correctly since he always calls me 'Coreana', meaning Korean girl in Spanish. Yet, we still exchange emails quite often and now he is my brother on whom I can rely.
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Alex's last dinner in Buenos Aires, with his friends |
2. Margarita(Argentina), Raphaelle&Pierre(France)
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Alex, Raphaelle, Pierre, Margarita @French dinner |
On the day when Alex and I reached Buenos Aires, we went to the Couchsurfing meeting and got to know Margarita there. We became friends after talking for a while at that meeting and she invited Alex and me to lunch. We got to know her friends, the French couple Raphaelle and Pierre through her and we hung out altogether several times. Margarita is such a warm-hearted person as her beauty implies. Although we knew each other for a short amount of time, I always felt comfortable with her.
Raphaelle과 Pierre가 우리를 저녁식사에 초대해 프랑스 요리를 선보인 적이 있다. 프랑스 사람들은 한 번 요리를 할 때면 디저트까지 손수 만든다는.
Raphaelle and Pierre once invited us for French dinner. They were amazing cook and I was impressed that French people even made desserts by themselves when they cooked :)
Raphaelle과 Pierre가 우리를 저녁식사에 초대해 프랑스 요리를 선보인 적이 있다. 프랑스 사람들은 한 번 요리를 할 때면 디저트까지 손수 만든다는.
Raphaelle and Pierre once invited us for French dinner. They were amazing cook and I was impressed that French people even made desserts by themselves when they cooked :)
3. Paul(France) & Adam(Hungary)
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Paul, Alex, Adam |
I got to know Paul and Adam, who were on the world trip with the so-called 'one world flight ticket' at a Couchsurfing meeting in Cordoba, right before I went to Buenos Aires. Actually, I even ran into them once in Cusco, about a month earlier. The world is so small. We, after partying crazily in Cordoba, met again in Buenos Aires and traveled together for about a week. Now that they are traveling in Southeast Asia, they might visit me in Seoul sometime soon.
Paul's friend Sonia(left) invited us to X-mas dinner |
한번은 신나는 토요일 밤을 만끽하고자 당시 알고 지내던 이 사람들 모두와
fiesta de la bomba del tiempo에 다녀오기도 했다.
Once, all of those people that I knew during those days in Buenos Aires got together and had such a fun night at the party of 'la bomba del tiempo', a huge percussion band in Buenos Aires.
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dinner before the party started |

4. Elisa&Luis(Argentina)
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Elisa, me, Luis |
I met Luis and Elisa during the tour to the moon valley in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. We just had some interesting conversations, the two nice people handed me their contacts and we met up again in Buenos Aires. Particularly, Elisa took care of me, inviting me when she hung out with friends and even letting me stay at her friend's flat for a week.
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With Luis @Valle de la luna |

5. Cecilia(Spain)
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I accidentally got to know Cecilia at the hostel. She now lives in Buenos Aires after traveling around South America for a year. Since she worked at a pizza place in San Telmo, we didn't really hang out many time. Yet, saying hello and having a little chat when I passed by her workplace and having coffee in afternoon made us pretty close. She never had a long face even when she worked more than 10 hours a day due to many tourists. She probably is the most lively and energetic person of all the people I know.
6. Adi(Israel), Omar(Colombia), Bruno&Breno(Brasil)
1달이 넘게 호스텔에서 지내면서 만났던 여행객들 중 가장 기억에 남는 사람들. 남미사람들과 어울리기를 참 좋아했던, 수준급의 살사솜씨를 지녔던, 브라질에 푹 빠져 3달이 넘게 체류 중인 이스라엘 출신의 Adi. 친근하고 붙임성 좋은, 첫눈에 봐도 콜롬비아 출신임을 알 수 있는 Omar. 왠지 브라질 사람같지 않았던 Bruno와 Breno. 특히 이들은 내가 한국으로 오기 직전 상파울루에 들렀을 때 나를 정답게 맞아주었다.
Adi, who liked to get along with Latinos, was a good Salsa dancer and is now in love with Brasil, staying there for months.
Omar, very friendly and open-minded, who loved dances and songs: that's what Colombian people are. Bruno and Breno, who somehow didn't look Brasilians. They even hosted me in Sao Paulo when I went there to catch the flight back to Seoul.
7. Ki-hoon(Korea)
기훈이는 6개월을 통틀어 내가 유일하게 함께 여행했던 한국인이다. Retiro역에서 난처한 상황에 처했을 때 내가 도와준 것이 인연이 되어 부에노스아이레스에서도 종종 만났고, 이후에 파타고니아를 2주간 함께 여행했다. 스페인어를 하나도 모르면서 지구 반대편까지 날라온 겁없는 청춘. 알고보니 동네 이웃.
Ki-hoon is the only Korean with whom I traveled together during my whole trip. After I helped him out when he was in a complicated situation in Retrio station, we sometimes hung out in Buenos Aires and later on traveled together for 2 weeks in Patagonia. A 20-year-old brave spirit who flied to the opposite side of the world, not knowing any Spanish.
8. Patricia(Argentina)& Albine(France)
부에노스아이레스 생활 초기에 탱고수업에서 알게 된 Patricia는 내가 파타고니아 여행을 마치고 잠시 돌아왔을 때 선뜻 자기 집을 내게 열어주었다. 이미 자신의 친구의 친구인 Albine을 재워주고 있었음에도. 매력적이고 활달한 성격의 Albine과 듬직한 맏언니 같은 Patricia. 우리 셋은 끊임없는 수다로 며칠을 쉴새없이 웃으며 보냈다.
Patricia, whom I got to know from the Tango class at the beginning of my stay in Buenos Aires, warmly welcomed me at her flat when I finished traveling in Patagonia and came back to Buenos Aires, although she was already hosting Albine, a friend of her friend. I had such a fun staying at her place, with her, whom I felt like my elder sister, and funny and attractive Albine.
Bruno, me, Adi, Omar, Breno @Costanera Sur |
Adi, who liked to get along with Latinos, was a good Salsa dancer and is now in love with Brasil, staying there for months.
Omar, very friendly and open-minded, who loved dances and songs: that's what Colombian people are. Bruno and Breno, who somehow didn't look Brasilians. They even hosted me in Sao Paulo when I went there to catch the flight back to Seoul.
With Breno, Bruno, their friend Raquel @Sao Paulo |
7. Ki-hoon(Korea)
기훈이는 6개월을 통틀어 내가 유일하게 함께 여행했던 한국인이다. Retiro역에서 난처한 상황에 처했을 때 내가 도와준 것이 인연이 되어 부에노스아이레스에서도 종종 만났고, 이후에 파타고니아를 2주간 함께 여행했다. 스페인어를 하나도 모르면서 지구 반대편까지 날라온 겁없는 청춘. 알고보니 동네 이웃.
Ki-hoon is the only Korean with whom I traveled together during my whole trip. After I helped him out when he was in a complicated situation in Retrio station, we sometimes hung out in Buenos Aires and later on traveled together for 2 weeks in Patagonia. A 20-year-old brave spirit who flied to the opposite side of the world, not knowing any Spanish.
8. Patricia(Argentina)& Albine(France)
부에노스아이레스 생활 초기에 탱고수업에서 알게 된 Patricia는 내가 파타고니아 여행을 마치고 잠시 돌아왔을 때 선뜻 자기 집을 내게 열어주었다. 이미 자신의 친구의 친구인 Albine을 재워주고 있었음에도. 매력적이고 활달한 성격의 Albine과 듬직한 맏언니 같은 Patricia. 우리 셋은 끊임없는 수다로 며칠을 쉴새없이 웃으며 보냈다.
Patricia, whom I got to know from the Tango class at the beginning of my stay in Buenos Aires, warmly welcomed me at her flat when I finished traveling in Patagonia and came back to Buenos Aires, although she was already hosting Albine, a friend of her friend. I had such a fun staying at her place, with her, whom I felt like my elder sister, and funny and attractive Albine.
9. Caro(Colombia)
페루에서 마추피추를 가는 길에 만났던 Caro. 마추피추의 베이스 캠프 격인 Aguas Calientes까지 이틀을 함께 걸었다. 그로부터 4달이 지나고서야 부에노스아이레스에서 그녀를 다시 만났다. 노래하는 듯한 스페인어 억양이 미모 만큼이나 예뻤다.
I met Caro in October, on the way to Machu Picchu, Peru. We walked together for two days to the base-camp town of the ruin, Aguas Calientes. And we met each other again in Buenos Aires, four months later. I still remember her singing-like Spanish accent.
10. Lars(Swiss) & Dale(Australia)
이번 여행의 하이라이트였던 칠레의 Torres del Paine 국립공원 트레킹을 함께 했던 스위스의 Lars와 호주의 Dale을 부에노스아이레스에서도 만났다. 자상하고 세심한 성격의 Lars와 나이에 어울리지 않게(나보다 어리다) 성숙해서 의지가 되는 Dale은 환상의 콤비. 덕분에 부에노스아이레스에서의 마지막 날들을 기억에 남게 보낼 수 있었다.
I spent time with Lars and Dale again in Buenos Aires, with whom I did the amazing trek in Torres del Paine, Chile. They made a great team together: Lars, who was very careful and gentle, and Dale, who was mature for his age(he is younger than me), thus quite reliable. Thanks to them, I could spend a great time in my last days in Buenos Aires.
11. Elisa&Ana(Argentina)
페루에서 마추피추를 가는 길에 만났던 Caro. 마추피추의 베이스 캠프 격인 Aguas Calientes까지 이틀을 함께 걸었다. 그로부터 4달이 지나고서야 부에노스아이레스에서 그녀를 다시 만났다. 노래하는 듯한 스페인어 억양이 미모 만큼이나 예뻤다.
I met Caro in October, on the way to Machu Picchu, Peru. We walked together for two days to the base-camp town of the ruin, Aguas Calientes. And we met each other again in Buenos Aires, four months later. I still remember her singing-like Spanish accent.
10. Lars(Swiss) & Dale(Australia)
이번 여행의 하이라이트였던 칠레의 Torres del Paine 국립공원 트레킹을 함께 했던 스위스의 Lars와 호주의 Dale을 부에노스아이레스에서도 만났다. 자상하고 세심한 성격의 Lars와 나이에 어울리지 않게(나보다 어리다) 성숙해서 의지가 되는 Dale은 환상의 콤비. 덕분에 부에노스아이레스에서의 마지막 날들을 기억에 남게 보낼 수 있었다.
I spent time with Lars and Dale again in Buenos Aires, with whom I did the amazing trek in Torres del Paine, Chile. They made a great team together: Lars, who was very careful and gentle, and Dale, who was mature for his age(he is younger than me), thus quite reliable. Thanks to them, I could spend a great time in my last days in Buenos Aires.
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Lars, Dale, Albine, Caro @Milonga |
11. Elisa&Ana(Argentina)
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Elisa & Ana(Argentina) |
코르도바출신의 Elisa와 Ana자매와의 인연은 특별했다. Alex의 친구인 Ana는 부에노스아이레스의 Couchsurfing 모임을 통해 만났고, 그녀의 언니인 Elisa는 어느 탱고 수업에서 알게 됬다. 부에노스아이레스를 떠나 파타고니아로 가기 전 그들의 집에서 하루를 보내면서 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 미처 작별인사를 하지 못한 Ana와는 우루과이의 몬테비데오에서 재회하기도 했다. 다시 부에노스아이레스에 오면 자기집에서 묵으라고 늘 말하던 Elisa가 고맙다.
Such cool sisters from Cordoba! I first met Ana, who was already a friend of Alex, through a Couchsurfing meeting in Buenos Aires and then I got to know Elisa from a tango class. Right before I left Buenos Aires to travel in Patagonia, I spent overnight at their house, where we had girl's chat all day long and got close. Later on, I casually met Ana again in Montevideo, Uruguay. Thanks to Elisa for always having told me to stay at her house next time when I visit Buenos Aires.
ReplyDeleteQue ilusión estar en tu blog! y el número 1, jeje, gracias de verdad!
y si sé pronunciar tu nombre, Carolina, no? jeje, me gusta más coreana!
un beso muy grande!
ReplyDeleteThanks for remembering us, see you soon in the dangerous Korea:)